The AKHealth Journal

AKHealth Journal

Increase your antioxidants

Increase your antioxidants

Want to bulletproof your immunity and support your thyroid? You need to stockpile your natural antioxidants! When you supercharge this “antioxidant potential” you give your immune system and your thyroid a real boost. And, if you’re wondering ‘where have I heard about...

Flu Fighter Vitamin C

Flu Fighter Vitamin C

If there’s one vitamin most people have heard of, it’s vitamin C. Whose mum didn’t urge them to eat fruit – preferably oranges – to keep up their vitamin C levels? When you catch a cold, you drink hot water with lemon – because it contains vitamin C - and even people...

Be the CEO of your health

No matter your role in life, there is none bigger or more important than being the CEO (the chief executive officer) of your own health. Whether you believe it or not, you have as much control over your own health and happiness as a CEO has over the success of their company — and often much more.

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